Devontional on the Mind of Christ


In 1 Corinthians 2:16 we are told that we have the mind of Christ, so what does it mean for us?

In the passage 1 Corinthians chapter 2, the reference is the ability to translate and apply spiritual principles as a spiritual being, which is what we are upon salvation. We are given the Holy Spirit to guide us in this life and to help us live the way that Jesus has called us to. So how do we know we have the mind of Christ? More and more as we read the word and pray principles and truths will be revealed to us. We will be able to take a parable of the farmer who sows and reaps and reference this in our daily living to situations; we can gain insight into what running the race from scripture means in our own life and what race this is really speaking about. Our eyes are opened and we can see…

As we go about our day-to-day we will begin to respond to situations differently, view circumstances in a different light, essentially we will begin thinking like Jesus. I am reminded of the phrase “WWJD” when I think about what it means to have the mind of Christ. To me that is it in a nutshell; what would Jesus do? Marital problems- let me turn to the mind of Christ in me and ask what would Jesus do. Financial problems- what would Jesus do? The more I grow in my walk with Him, the easier it is for me to answer that question and more often than not I don’t even have to ask, since the mind of Christ is being used on a daily basis my actions line up with His ways automatically.

So my challenge to you today: in each situation you may face ask yourself “what would Jesus do?” Think about your responses, actions, words, reactions and ask if they line up with the mind of Christ. The Holy Spirit will guide and direct us if we will allow Him to.

Miranda Embry


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