Devotional on Showing Love to Others:


As I was getting my boys ready for school this morning my oldest son reminded me that we needed to pray. We pray every morning before the boys get on the school bus.

One of the things we always ask for is for others to see Jesus in us. My younger son asked me today why I always pray for that.   And I thought for a brief moment “God give me the words to explain this.” The bible commands us to live a godly life.

I quickly grabbed my bible and read Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”

I explained to my boys that for them, that could mean simply being nice to fellow student that is not in the “in” crowd, helping out a teacher or peer, or just simply just letting someone know that you care about what’s going on in their life. As the boys were leaving I gave them a challenge. Start a conversation with someone that you have never spoken to… and let them know you care.

Let that be our challenge not only today, but every day.   Go speak to that co- worker that is typically rude and seems always in a bad mood.   Let them know you care. You may be the only bright light in their life.   Love others that seem unlovable.   Jesus loves everyone… even though we don’t deserve His love.

My prayer for you today is let others see Jesus in everything you do.   You never know whose life you just might change.

Celena Keel

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