Devotional: I can do it, I think?


One of my favorite powerhouse verses: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Philippians 4:13.

To me this verse opens up a world of possibility; but with that world of possibility comes the need to use good old common sense. Am I taking this verse to say “when I jump off this roof I can fly” because Phil. 4:13 says I can, or “I can swim underwater without the need for oxygen because Jesus will strengthen me?” No, that would be ridiculous. Now granted, if jumping off of a roof and swimming underwater with no oxygen could in some way bring God glory, then perhaps this would be an applicable assumption.

The point I am making with this verse is we can absolutely do all things through Christ who gives us the strength as long as what we are doing is for His glory. This may seem like a “duh” kind of statement, but think about it. How many people have an idea of something they want to do and clinch onto this verse and it doesn’t pan out the way they had envisioned? Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever wanted something so bad and said “I can do it because this verse tells me I can” only to realize that you can’t? I have been in this situation many times…

Once I took the time to study and pray on God’s word (not merely picking and choosing certain verses) and began asking for God to grant me wisdom to understand the spiritual principles in them, I was able to see this scripture with new eyes. Indeed Christ will give me the strength to do as long as it is in His will and for the good of His kingdom. He isn’t going to strengthen us to do something that would not be in line with what He has planned. It goes along with a statement on prayer I have heard many times: God answers prayers with “no,” “not now,” and “yes.”

We need to take it back to the reference Paul was making here in Philippians, he was speaking to the strength that comes from Jesus to continue sharing the gospel; whether with no food, plenty of food, jail, etc. His true contentment regardless of circumstance came because he was doing what Jesus commanded him to do. Further on down in verse 19 it says: “And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.”

We may not always get what we want, but we will get what we need. The Word promises those who are in relationship with Jesus that He will meet our needs. The Word also promises us that He will be our strength. Over and over again throughout the bible we are taught that our strength comes from above. If something doesn’t pan out the way you wanted or you don’t feel like you received the strength you prayed for and assumed you were promised, stop and ask yourself if it would be for His glory. It may be as simple as “no” or “not now.”

Miranda Embry

Created by: Miranda Embry

Created by: Miranda Embry

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