Tag Archives: armor

Bible Study: Being a Living Sacrifice


Simply put, we sacrifice ourselves by living for God each day; by making the commitment to follow Him, to share in His burdens and to let go of our selfishness in favor of His commands.

Our guidance comes from the word of God. Our thoughts and actions help determine if we are in God’s will and are living as a sacrifice. Our desire and action to seek His will above all else and to live righteously is being a living sacrifice. The promise in seeking His will and living righteously is that He will give us everything we need, and I repeat, everything we need (Matthew 6:33).


How do we become living sacrifices daily?

1. Praise His name and pray without ceasing (Psalms 61:8, 1 Thessalonians 5:17):

In addition to the fact that both Praise and prayer aid in our ability not to give into the temptation of sin (Luke 22:40), both are sacrifices of our time.

2. Follow the examples of righteous living:

Romans 12, Colossians 3:1-17, Ephesians 4:17-6:18 are some perfect examples to start with!

3. Serve others! Serving others is one of the ways that we can be a living sacrifice. We have been called to serve others:

Mark 10:35-45, Galatians 5:13, just to name a couple of scriptural references

When we are doing these things we are dying to ourselves and we are living as sacrifices!


Miranda Embry


NOTE: This is only a mini-study for introduction to biblical principle purposes

Prayer for Defense


Lord, I come to You now needing defense against the wars that are raging on in my life.

I am being beaten emotionally and I know that the enemy is hard at work on me because I am hard at work serving You.

I cannot handle these trials on my own strength, I cannot defeat him on my own accord.

I need You now.

I choose right now to put on the full armor of God that I may be equipped with Your strength to overcome the obstacles hindering my freedom that come only through You.

Father help me to remember that I am not battling flesh and blood but against the enemy and darkness.

I put on the belt of TRUTH and the body armor of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

I put on the shoes of PEACE that comes from the good news that I have learned about You.

I hold up the shield of FAITH to stop the attempts that the devil is using to attack me.

I wear the helmet of SALVATION and I take on the sword of the SPIRIT which is the holy word of God.

With this armor I am prepared to stand strong regardless of what things may seem!

Thank You for equipping me with what I need to overcome satan in this world and to live my life devoted to You.

I praise Your holy name Lord for You alone are worthy to be praised!

I worship You Father and I thank You for sending Your Son to die for me!

Thank You Holy Spirit for empowering me to overcome this world!

In the MIGHTY name of JESUS I pray, AMEN!

Derived from Ephesians 6:10-17

Miranda Embry